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Software as a Service (SaaS) is everywhere. How can it address your ticketing hurdles?

Anyone of us currently uses Software as a Service (SaaS) daily. Look at Docusign, Office 365, and all the Google apps.

Statistics show that the SaaS business is proliferating at a rate of 69% per year. The revenue in 2020 will already be 132 billion dollars.


However, does this trend also resonates in the ticketing business? Moreover, if so, what's the impact?


The Global SaaS index in our industry is solely 40%, while SaaS can offer an answer to a lot of the challenges that ticketing companies are struggling with.

An Enterprise SaaS ticketing Platform is the solution. Where a regular SaaS ticketing platform can help organisers and smaller venues, Enterprise SaaS focuses on larger ticketing organisations like ticketing agencies, big venues or mayor event organisers. It adds many additional functionalities, build for their specific needs.


Are you also facing the struggle of the growing competitive pressure, massive upfront and continuous investments, and the lack of resources or knowledge - or both - to develop a good platform?


Today, a new trend that has entered the ticketing world that addresses all these hurdles: Enterprise SaaS for ticketing agencies. This is paradigm-shifting solution that will bring a cardinal change to the business model of ticketing agencies, with lower CapEx, a much faster time-to-market, and considerably reduced operational risks.

To help you assess how SaaS you are today and whether you will benefit from more SaaS-based solutions in the future, fill out the SaaS Survey. 

Thanks to your participation, the research on how this SaaS trend resonates in the overall business will be enriched. Your time will be rewarded with a valuable report full of the current insights and how your business is performing, compared to other ticketing companies in the field.

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