5 steps to reach self-service UX heavenThere's been a shift in using technology recently, users are increasingly opting for self-service applications. Customers want more...
Why you shouldn't try to rush into a self-service ticketing offeringOften, we can already feel how the market is evolving. One of the latest trends we've noticed is the overall need to offer a DIY...
5 marketing steps to make your DIY offering workOffering an ultra-intuitive self-service ticketing tool is an easy way to increase business without the need for huge investments. We all...
8 Sales tips your ticketing company can't survive withoutIn the crowded world of ticketing agencies, it can be a struggle to close the deal with new customers. Having a background as a ticketing...
Missed our eTaaS Summit? Catch upOn Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th of September 2018 Oxynade hosted the first eTicketing as a Service (eTaaS) event in Europe....
The 6 favourits of Rob from TicketcounterRob Willemsen is the founder and director of Ticketcounter for more than 13 years. He'll be the presenter of the session "The secrets of...
The 6 favourits of Dr. Marcus GarbeDr Marcus Garbe, is the Managing Partner and Founder of Transaction Consulting with over 20 years' direct experience as Managing...
The 6 favourits of Tim ChambersTim Chambers, is a mentor, advisor and consultant with over 30 years' direct experience within the international ticketing and live...
The 6 favourits of Shai from HowlerShai Evian, CEO of Howler, is one of our speakers for the session "How to win big in the ticketing industry: Increase your revenue by...
Submit your secret question for ... our ticketing specialistDuring our eTaaS Summit you'll have the unique opportunity to ask any ticketing question to the renowned Tim Chambers, a true ticketing...